This is a new company concept with the following objectives: secure the safety of our national parks, wildlife and economy for the Western United States National ParkLands. Our desire is to keep our doors open to tourism and international business despite poor economic conditions eminating from the East Coast (Washington). These conflicts have been having a majorly negative impact the fragile economies of the west.
We desire to preserve these western states which depend heavily on tourism and international business conventions to survive. In order to keep these economies and people from suffering due to conflicts in the east; our mission is to continue feeding these economies as an International Pact/funding Agreement to preserve these western economies from wars and rumors of wars emanating from the easter part of the country.
A major objective of this organization is to offer jobs and paths toward citizenship to from citizens from neighboring countries including Canada and Mexico. A goal of 50% of employees will be foreign citizens working toward U.S. Citizenship. Bi-langual and tri-langual applicants will also be given priority. The creation of international jobs is a great part of this ambition as business plans will call for many large contracts, departments and high paying positions to be filled. Positions will include many company contracts and internal departments in each major city requiring our services west of the Mississippi river.
What makes this company concept unique is that it could potentially resolve the entire Mexican border crisis by turning borders into hiring gates and parkland zones within a few years time. Shopping, dining and tourism along the borders would also create jobs in the following industries listed below. A major goal of the company will be to help the United States be a “good neighbor” to Mexico and Canada through exclusive job hiring and creation policies.
Companies and internal industries will include the following:
Construction & Real Estate Development Contracts (Skyways Partnerships, RDA Zones)
Parkland Services – Directors, managers, grounds keepers
Guest services, park services (waste management & Clean up),
General Maintenance, street sweepers
Hosting & Event Services
Parkland Security – golf carts and walky-talkies
Park Rangers, 24 hr security patrols, surveilence teams & Smart Guard
An Anti-Terrorism / Private investigation company./phone app