Salt Lake City, UT and high ranking members of the LDS faith are reportedly loyal to Hugh Grant and the creation of CoronaVirus as a means to make him King of the entire world through “BCI Broadcasting”.  Hugh is allegedly the supreme kingpin in the ecstasy pill and “Adrenochrome” industries. These are allegations made through word of mouth in Las Vegas, NV and “5G BCI Broadcasting” as evidence was gathered in 2019 during the Coronavirus outbreak of 2019.

This information was gathered and presented by police, security guards, cameras and other evidence initially discovered in Las Vegas, Nevada. This evidence incriminates the state of Utah beginning in September of 2017 through “Artificial MeToo Hallucinations”.  These are 5G-Data broadcasted hallucinations are created by a BCI produced by Blackrockneurtech.com headquartered in Salt Lake City. 

BCI broadcasts are different from other data broadcasts as they cannot be detected by most recording devices or cellphones. Broadcasts can only be recorded by devices tuned into the same frequency as the BCI.  These 5G data images and soundwaves work similar to Walkie Talkies” or CB radios and are detected by billions of people who have “resonant particle clusters” that collected inside their bodies through vaccines and poisonings.

These particles stimulate optic nerves and hearing canals thus causing intense hallucinations in 5G.


  • Adrenaline, hormones and neurotransmitters created in the bodies of living animals are stolen using an invisible system of poisons and “vapor netting” to create the newest Hollywood drug.
  • Adrenochrome is now distributed in some ecstasy pills consumed by addicts who do not know the individual targets the chemicals were raided from or who was “blighted”.  Users often take other drugs and listen almost exclusively to House Music. Adrenochrome Dealers are known as some of the most cruel, selfish and evil of all drug dealers ever in the history of mankind.
  • Dealers often appear to be smooth businessmen or club promoters who take ecstasy often.  They invisibly administer roofies, poisons and radioactive particles to victims… causing their target to maim or become disabled eventually.  
  • Salt Lake County, Utah County and Davis County, Utah has been discovered for administering poisons on a global level through chemtrails and Vapor collecting stations.  They view themselves as wizards that warp people’s futures through black magic.


People who are having adrenochrome stolen from their bodies experience extreme pain and discomfort manifesting through twitching, headaches, nausea and chronic fatigue/narcolepsy.  Targets become frail, develop arthritis, appear worn, and become deformed with poison buildups which are typically diagnosed as cancerous tumors.  Targets then typically go through a painful death of being chopped up after chemotherapy.  Adrenochrome dealers never say a word as their victims fight cancer to the death.

Pouches of poisons form inside targets can make them appear ugly, sinister or satanic. Vapor netting also causes teeth to break and decay quickly.  Victims often look like they are in constant pain and often drink and smoke cannabis to stay active as the neutralize harmful particles. Victims also appear as though they’ve been through a nuclear war-zone or like they were placed in a microwave for 30 seconds.  Satellite wave and particle beam technology called Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) are used in order to vaporize the chemicals being stolen so they can me netted and collected in “particle balloons”, particle netting or “gaseous partitions”. 

Utah is now the capital of Adrenochrome dealing and the creators of CoronaVirus – a global adrenochrome harvesting operation which steals from billions. Cities that are targeted often have high levels of smog, pollution or deliberately scattered “vapor netting” particles dropped from pilots associated with Hill AirForce Base in Davis County, Utah. Adrenochrome is a new drug associated with the ecstacy pill industry as a new ingredient.

  • Dealers often appear to be smooth businessmen or club promoters who take ecstasy often.  They invisibly administer roofies, poisons and radioactive particles to victims… causing their target to maim or become disabled eventually.  
  • Salt Lake County, Utah County and Davis County, Utah has been discovered for administering poisons on a global level through chemtrails and Vapor collecting stations.  They view themselves as wizards that warp people’s futures through black magic.


  1. Poisons, heavy metal particles, acids, nylon and particle netting materials are administered to targets by  poisoned foods, invisible liquids, gassings, powders on things and COVID vaccines.
  2. Adrenaline/adrenochrome produced in heart glands, hormone glands and neurotransmitters within targets produce “adrenochrome vapors” when they interact with the  poisons administered. 
  3. “Particle Netting” techniques are used to capture vapors and collect them as “Vapor Balloons”.  They are then transported to “collection stations” via “DEW” technology then pressed into certain types of ecstasy pills.


Billions of people from all around the world are now aware of the widespread “vapor netting” operations and know that Coronavirus is not a natural virus but an artificial one caused by radioactive particles in the air.  It is suspected that manufacturers lift precious chemicals from entire populations through “clouds” of “Vapor Netting” which hover above cities and extract from all local citizens indiscriminately. 

Unfortunately these vapors are exposed to air, oxygen and light which make them lose potency and have very little lasting effects on addicts.  The drug has been hailed as a “holy grail’ or “fountain of youth” by dealers who suggest they cause reverse-aging effects.

Consumers of the drug are often engaged in the most unhealthy lifestyles, take many risks and use many different drugs causing them to age prematurely.  They sometimes go on long benders without sleep and use adrenochrome only to wart of comedowns and premature aging caused by their immoral lifestyles and lack of regular/adequate sleep. 

Consumers and dealers are often radicalized into an “all or nothing” state of mind by taking up to 30 ecstasy pills in some cases on single 3-5 day benders which create reliance on the drug and reshapes thought patterns – causing addiction and extractions from victims above all things – including family, government, police and military.  Some have the delusion that they will be able to use the drug in order to regain their youth and live hundreds of years as the drug evolves.

Targeted victims often feel strange “pulsing” vibrations, or the feeling of yarn ripping through their bodies from time to time causing internal burning sensations, heart palpitations and strokes. Doctors often diagnose these conditions including, breathing issues, circulatory issues, cramps, shooting pains and fatigue/lethargy as symptoms of CoronaVirus or cancer.


CoronaVirus is an electronic form of warfare led by Utah which can cause whole cities full of people to deteriorate similar to the effects of radiation poisoning, depression, anxiety, lethargy and cancers like lymphoma.

LEVEL 1:  VIctims of adrenochrome dealers are often framed for crimes they did not commit in order to secure their fates and keep producing adrenochrome they steal.  Targets can be as young as in grade school being gangstalked, poisoned, robbed and attacked often – as fear and anxiety felt by them increase adrenaline production which is taken electronically and invisibly. Extractions often feel  like nausea, cramps or migraines. 

LEVEL 2: Targets often have internal electronic devices which were illegally implanted inside of them by surgeons at emergency rooms victims go to after being attacked.  These devices such as BCIs assist with continuous extractions of the drug and serve as “spyware”.  Victims are tracked, monitored and controlled using these 5G devices in order to capture extractions created on a higher, more consistent level. 

LEVEL 3:  Victims are often incarcerated, in hospice with cancer or disabled on the street producing maximum extractions for ecstasy pill manufacturers.  They age at an extremely accelerated rate and are gassed often through particle clouds and contaminated showers which aid in production of the cruel drug. 

Attacks often feel like invisible rain drops that actually pass through the flesh and bone of victims and then adhere to adrenochrome-producing glands throughout the body.


Cannabis, alcohol, smoking, maltodextrin, spicy peppers, arugula, cilantro, cinnamon and Adderall are the strongest defenses to CoronaVirus attacks.

These remedies neutralize harmful particles used in the adrenochrome production and “vapor netting” practice and can help dissipate pouches of poisons which dealers load into their bodies to produce the drug. They also get rid of the headaches and nausea requiring often use. 

Level 2 targets often smoke cannabis and drink a little alcohol every day for pain, detox and neutralize carcinogens and poisons used by dealers. 

Coronavirus chemicals have been used for over 30 years by Utah beginning with the invention of Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) used in collecting large quantities of Adrenochrome vapors via “ballooning’ and “particle bubbles” via invisible electromagnetic techniques. Satellite DEW signals work with internal poisons which were administered by dealers into the bodies of specific targets and can be easily manipulated using microwave beams. 

Black clothing and certain materials can act as an absorptive shield which collects particles from in and outside the body. White garments deflect these radioactive particles.  Wearing aluminum, tin, magnets and other types of metal trinquets can also neutralize particles they attract.

In addition, certain shapes of metals interrupt the creation of “Adrenochrome Bubbles” by interfering with the poison gas channels used to pull the drug directly from the hearts of living people. As these poison gas channels often feel like fishing line or threads coursing through the flesh and bone of targets, these objects interrupt that flow electromagnetically and dissipate channeling.


USA is being framed as inventors of the Adrenochrome dealing industry, electronic hallucinations via 5G particle transmissions, and coronavirus 

Americans acknowledge that there are only two main U.S. cities involved in these ongoing operations including Salt Lake City, UT and Washington D.C. as Obama, Biden and Trump have been prohibited from addressing the subjects while in office.  All three presidents and politicians associated appear to be tightly controlled into ignoring the evidence, allegations and constantly broadcasted hallucinations altogether – indicating either fear of adrenochrome kingpins or belligerence.

They acknowledge that these hallucinations have a StarTrek “borg-like” effect on the global population – forcing all nations to learn the English language by assimilating them to the images and sounds transmitted to the entire world.  They acknowledge that the Adrenochrome industry, BCI broadcasting and coronavirus are all oppressive operations which have enslaved the world to American mind control and global dominance.  They plan to stop all three operations through the regulation and taxation of all 5G particles, poisons, adrenochrome production and the benefits of BCI technology. 

The majority of americans acknowledge that MeToo and Coronavirus hallucinations are electronically generated via “data particles” which collect on the surfaces of the eyes, optic nerves and hearing canals and that the government and media provide misinformation and strive to distract readers from the subjects.  They acknowledge that these operations cause global acts of terrorism and make Americans more hated as they continue unaddressed.


All of the information gathered through citizens of Las Vegas, California, Texas, Akransaw, Oregon, Washington State and Hawaii has helped to expose the kingpins of the Adrenochrome Industry and CoronaVirus assaults. Additional information is also constantly being broadcast through a BCI, 5G Data unit that was implanted inside the head of a major target named Jacob Allred (legally Harris).

Sylvia Allred, Lloyd Allred, Hope Harris, Michelle Grey, Claudia Carlson and David Allred have all been exposed as some of the earliest victims of the extraction business which were taken into the occult by promising to assist in secret extractions from other targets including Jake.  They were compelled to poison, slander, frame and incriminate targets selected by the occult. 

The Allreds were some of the first targets of the Adrenochrome industry and lost two sons to suicide as a result – Joseph and Mark Allred.  Both sons were being exctracted from and faced severe mental and emotional disorders as a result – leading them suicide. The family now appears to be loyal to Hugh Grant and Derek Whetten as occult leaders and kingpins of the adrenochrome industry and Coronavirus.


The leadership of the CoronaVirus pandemic (an electronic particle virus) are incriminating the entire illuminati, Freemasons, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Elon Musk, UofU, BYU and the LDS church as major dealers, manufacturers and consumers of Adrenochrome. 

Derek Whetten and his team including Grant Schaumburg, Dr. Leigh Hotchberg (BCI Surgeon), Kira Sturgell, David Allred, Sonja Wall, Kim Hung  and Brian Christensen appear to be the only factually known – major perpetrators within the Hugh Grant occult to have planned and launched “MeToo hallucinations” and Coronavirus as a whole.  To date, there is no proof that Hugh Grant accepts responsibility for this group, is associated or has participated in crime. The majority of allegations have we been presented through word of mouth in Las Vegas.

The eight main adrenochrome dealers discovered in Utah are associated with the University of Utah, BYU, the LDS Church, Hill AirForce Base and Utah’s State Government only – and exclude Washington D.C. although Joe Biden and Barack Obama are suspected to have been involved or have been unable to address the adrenochrome industry due to aggressive international kingpins.

As of now, the world remains in captivity to a “BCI Implant” inside Jake who is being tortured by the Utah group which is also holding his family members/friends hostage.  Barack Obama, Donald Trump and Joe Biden have not made statements regarding allegations of their involvement with the Utah group, CoronaVirus attacks used for the ecstasy pill/adrenochrome industries and sex crimes involving minors like Kira was when she was abducted as a teen. The adrenochrome industry has and powerful dealers in every state with Utah being the only known major manufacturing operation.  It is rumored that Utah victims tend to produce a higher quality yield than other targets because they obey the “word of wisdom” religiously which makes them abstain from alcohol, cannabis and other anti-carcinogens.


Jacob Harris is the most well-known victim of the Adrenochrome Occult due to widespread BCI Data broadcasts which caused 5G hallucinations in 2017 to occur all over the world.  They began as “Jake” travelled through Las Vegas to California with Kira Sturgell that summer and evolved into “metoo hallucinations” accusing Jake of sex crimes.  These hallucinations appear to be electronically generated using invisible 5G particles and acids which coat eye corneas,  transmit 5G imagery and sound beams.  This causes an “augmented reality” effect on the masses which are controlled via satellite DEW transmissions.

5G BCI data broadcasts emanating from the BCI inside Harris’s left temple have revealed Brian Christensen, Grant Schaumburg and Derek Whetten as the designers of CoronaVirus and the electronic “MeToo hallucinations” of 2017 involving Kira Sturgell and Romina Palomino. Derek Whetten is the primary individual responsible for orchestrating acts of fraud, theft, electronic “MeToo hallucination broadcasts”, organized crime, poisonings, assassination attempts and all other types of setups involving Jake and his business: cloudfundingexchange.com

Derek allegedly reports directly to Hugh Grant (Utah’s secret pharaoh) and powerful leaders in Utah’s state government who assisted Derek in stealing over $2m from Jake’s company in 2009 as part of the ongoing adrenochrome targeting operation which began in 1986 when Jake was six year old. His last name is legally Harris as his parents were never married. Hugh Grant is painted as a Hollywood actor that secretly behaves similar to Adolf Hitler or Cruella Deville although Utah has provided no evidence of his involvement with Utah except a recent movie Hugh starred in called “Heresy”.

For more information on BCI’s, telepathy and electronic hallucenations; visit www.braingate.org and blackrockneurotech.com.



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