Evidence uncovered in 2017 and 2023 proves that a satanic occult from Utah artificially engineered widespread “Utah Metoo” hallucinations using new nano-technology broadcasts which evolved into the Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19).
Discovery of the nano-tech transmissions driving COVID symptoms were made at the University of Utah though the investigation of Dr. Leigh Hotchberg with Braingate and BlackRock Neurotech (inventors of the technology). Evidence including the two companies was created when Leigh Hotchberg operated on Jacob Allred/Harris in 2012 following a terrorist attack designed to send Jake to the UofU’s ER where the BCI was installed.
The inclusion of Dr. Leigh Hotchberg and Jake in global, simultaneous Coronavirus hallucinations proves that the pandemic is not caused by a natural virus but is an electrochemical invasion which miames, mutilates and degrades all of mankind. These electrochemical attacks use nano-transmission particles, Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) and “BCI broadcasting technology” to produce a global “mind meld” effect – resulting in the enslavement of all mankind to American terrorism (at least until Jake’s BCI unit is disabled).
Beginning in 2017; billions of people from around the world began reporting simultaneously having identical nightmares, hearing white american voices and seeing intense hallucinations involving a group of real people from Utah.
Hallucinations and nightmares initially projected Kira Sturgell (a 21 year old school teacher) as a potential sex trafficking victim of her then boyfriend, Jacob Allred/Harris – an entrepreneur launching a potent company called CloudFunding Exchange.
Constant nano-hallucinations evolved into live-streaming “MeToo” allegations, acts of cruelty, corruption and setups against Jake which caused Kira to leave him in 2018 looking like an insane porn addict – unworthy of doing business with.
Nano-tech hallucinations then evolved into a dialogue sparked by Jake’s own family members (including Lloyd Allred, Sylvia Allred, Hope Black, Michelle Grey, David Allred and Claudia Carlson) accusing him of being a serial rapist and sex offender since the age of seven.
In 2019, MeToo allegations against Jake were rejected by the global captive audience while electronic nanoparticle hallucinations were discovered as being made possible through Neuralink’s “BCI technology” and 5G nano-broadcasts. Citizens and leaders from around the world requested freedom from “Mind Meld” captivity – but Utah refused to respond.
Instead of stopping the constant BCI broadcasts according to global demand; hallucinations evolved to include the voices of Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Joe Biden and Barack Obama confessing addictions to adrenochrome theft, drugs, piracy, pedophilia, the maiming of innocent people and using Coronavirus to brainwash, subdue and control mankind – making them “Kings” of a new global monarchy/dictatorship. None of them address or deny allegations.
In 2023; evidence gathered through the University of Utah, BrainGate.org and BlackRockneurotech.com confirmed that a BCI unit had been illegally implanted inside of Jake by Dr. Leigh Hotchberg (a BCI surgeon) at the UofU in 2012 – and that it was the cause of the constant, live streaming, global nano-broadcasts which began in 2017 and became known as COVID-19 symptoms.
Further evidence gathered through Fidelity Investments, Utah Community Credit Union, the DMV and Salt Lake Police (SLPD) revealed that Derek Whetten (one of Jake’s former business partners), David Allred, Brianna Allred (an RN at the UofU), Claudia Carlson, Grant Schaumburg (a student from the UofU), SLPD and Romina Palomino (his ex-girlfriend) colluded to steal over $2m from Jake’s company beginning in 2006 and then turned him into a “targeted individual” over allegations of serial sex offenses (without evidence or charges) in order cover their tracks.
After the BCI was implanted inside of Jake in order to track, monitor, control and steal Acrenochrome; he started creating a potent business application called CloudFunding which drew global attention in 2013. As his business was developing, Jake was struck by an SUV on his birthday in 2015 and almost killed in an assassination attempted admittedly planned by Brian Christensen.
Following his recovery in 2016, Jake met Kira Sturgell at a concert without knowing she was a member of Derek’s occult and admitted she was paid to seduce, help maim and frame him on their behalf before they broke up.
BCI transmissions are considered terrorism and war crimes against humanity which break all international “Military Rules of Engagement”. Evidence proves that Derek Whetten (the known occult leader), Dr. Leigh Hotchberg (a BCI surgeon), Grant Schaumburg, David Allred, Brianna Allred, Claudia Carlson, Romina Palomino, Audrey Cranney, Brian Christensen, Jared Ludloff, Kurt Walker, Sonja Wall and Kira Sturgell are the primary terrorists who planned and committed the major crimes which led to Coronavirus hallucinations, maimings, poisonings for adrenochrome theft and “Metoo” Hallucinations against Jake Allred.
The state of Utah, Obama and Biden administrations appear to be solely responsible for the inception and launch of the Coronavirus situation as it was created in with Jake in 2012 then surfaced during Trump’s first term in 2017 – then was acknowledged by the media in 2019.
David Allred, Brianna Allred, Claudia Carlson, Derek Whetten, Brian Muir, Romina Palomino, Grant Schaumburg, Leigh Hotchberg, Brian Christensen and Kira Sturgell are viewed as the most cruel and selfish of all types of people for their efforts to deform, maim, defraud and imprison and torture Jake without remorse.
These terrorists all operated from within tbe state of Utah and are now more hated than Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, the Taliban or Hamas because of their involvement in Coronavirus and how they maim, frame, deform and torture their victims for money, power and Adrenochrome extractions.
Americans are encouraged to defy government if necessary now to free everyone from “Jake BCI broadcasts” in order to prove to the world that they are against terrorism, global captivity and the maiming/framing/torturing of innocent lives before the opportunity is gone and they become hated more than ever.
Utahns are currently viewed as the most disrespectful, dishonest, greedy manipulative, selfish and annoying types of people for ignoring this situation, protecting the occult members and for being affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (a religion widely viewed as being fraudulent).
The fact that no one from Utah warned Jake, intervened or tried to help him get off the streets or leave the country show that they as citizens have no remorse for their involvement in keeping Coronavirus crimes going and that they plan to continue supporting occult operations.
Utahns shows that if they are willing to do this to someone like Jake, they have most likely done similar things to many others and aren’t willing to change. It shows that not even U.S. military, police, school teachers, church leaders, doctors, attorneys or other community members can be trusted.
The refusals of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, Elon Musk, Hugh Grant and many rich celebrities (the primary individuals being framed as cruel Adrenochrome addicts) to address this international crisis makes them appear guilty of all allegations made against them.
The 3 last U.S. presidential administrations, media industry and State of Utah appear guilty of maiming, framing, molesting, defrauding and torturing innocent lives – including children – for adrenochrome addicts, sex offenders and Utah conmen like Derek Whetten, Grant Schaumburg, Leigh Hotchberg, Brian Christensen and Miss Kira Sturgell. Citizens of Las Vegas and travellers from around the world are reporting that this group is continuing to commit acts of terrorism and is continuing this situation through more setups without remorse.